Friday, August 16, 2013

S4 League Removed Weapons - A List of Weapons that were Banned, Removed, and Cut

Although I like to say that nobody is perfect, no game is perfect, and no company is perfect, S4 League does have its really interesting moments. Apart from the onslaught of hackers that appear every time someone releases a hack on forums, the developers also release some really overpowered (and underpowered) weapons.

Some of these are so bad that they have been removed from the game! Below are a list of S4 League weapons that have been removed from the game due to their game-changing nature.

Mine Gun

The mine gun is a weapon that shoots grenades in an "arc-like fashion". It's interestingly the first launcher weapon in S4 League (which is probably why it failed so much). Below is a gameplay of the Mine Gun:

As you can see this weapon is obviously overpowered. If you thought that cannonade was annoying, imagine getting spammed by it in the form of little green balls from hell. This weapon was removed, but there have been some hackers that were able to access the S4 League files and play them.

Vital Shock

If took Mind Shock and put it on steroids, you get Vital Shock.

Vital Shock had to be one of the most annoying weapons. Even though the shock was in melee range, you didn't really have to aim well to get kills. It was also difficult to escape, especially when an invisible user uses it. Ick. Below is a video of S4 League gameplay with Vital Shock:

Shockwave Gun

This weapon wasn't actually overpowered. In fact, it was the opposite overpowered. It sucked HARD donkey balls. This weapon had very low damage, it was very clunky to use, and it had limited ammo. It was so bad that the developers decided to just scratch this weapon entirely.

Below is gameplay of a person using the Shockwave Gun:

Card Gun

(No official image available, sorry!)

Now I'm not sure why they call this a card gun when it's not a gun at all. You're actually just holding a bunch of cards. You also don't really throw the cards. For some reason, the developers didn't want to finish the throwing animation for this weapon, so every time a player uses the cards they look like they're crucifying themselves in the air.

The only way to have access to this weapon is to hack. This weapon was not officially released anywhere.

I'm guessing the reason why they scratched this project is because the weapon didn't do enough damage, or they had more important things to do. I wouldn't mind being a S4 League version of Twisted Fate. Below is a video of a person hacking the Card Gun:

Found this interesting? Did I miss a weapon? Post below!

(NOTE: This article is only for weapons that are completely different from the existing ones. I do not do re-designs of existing weapons. Thanks!)

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