Monday, August 19, 2013

League of Legends How to Counter Akali

(please note that when I was writing this post I had broken finger and I was using the Dragon speak software program. Unfortunately, the program is not yet used my voice so there may be a little... Or a lot of mistakes... But I do hope you enjoy the" experience".)

How to Counter Akali During the Laning Phase

if you want to counter akali the best thing you can do is choose a champion with sustain and great harass the ability to for level six. The reason why you want to do this is because akali is a champion that snowballs after level six. You must take advantage of her week early game to keep early game from snowballing. The best way to do this is choose a champion that works best against akali during the early game phase.

below are 3 championsthat akali is pretty weak against during the early game phase middle game phase and late game phase.

Lee Sin

even though lee sin doesn't really matter profile that I said above that type champion that the akali, he is great because is a you we reveal skill reveals akali when she is in her stealth cloud the reason why akali is so annoying sometimes, is because she appears in and out of herself clout which makes it hard for players to click her.

In addition, lee sin does not depend on MP but instead on energy. He is in some ways a little bit the same as akali but he can trade with her during the Laning phase. His damage output is also very strong, and he can effectively harass her using is missile ninja shooting projectile skill thing.


Garen it is a really good character fight with against akali. The reason is because his ball HP and defense makes him a formidable opponent against akali get the fantastic early game a good middle game. if for some reason you are finding yourself fighting against akali during Toppled and Ln., Garen is a pretty solid pick

If akali specified in her shadow, all you have to do is spin to win a you can kill that girl. Anything go home and say mama I killed akali it was easy as 1,2 spin to win.


renekton is a pretty good counter against akali. The reason is because renekton is a pretty high defense and HP champion. He also has a very reliable aoe skill which pretty much extends through akali's smoke bomb. Renekton's ultimates is also very intimidating for akali. If akali gets into range of renekton during his ultimate, then she will suffer a good amount of damage. Before level VI, renekton is also a decent pick due to his amount of reliable  CC and his double rush mobility.

The Worst Champions to pick when against Akali


even though a lot of people say that karthus in his ultimate ability is over power, he is a horrible pick when it comes to fighting against akali.  Not only is karthus one of the squishy just champions in all of league of legends, but a Kalisz superior mobility and her refreshing ultimate makes it hard for karthus to aim his q attack. Also, even though his wall is a pretty effective slow, for some reason akali can bypass this low when she uses her ultimate ability on karthus. There is also no way for karthus to attack akali, unless he guesses, when akali is in her invisible shroud.


Fizz is a horrible champions playing at the County the reason is because phase is horribly squishy and his dog's ability does not do much against akali's ultimate ability. He will use his audibility but since Kalli has about two more ultimate triggers, this will just pick on-again and most likely die. She also cannot trade effectively against akali, he needs to trade with her and harass her but akali can do the same and a little bit more.


Ahri is another batch happy to play against akali especially if she is playing in Lane. Even though she has ability to harass akali before level six, her ultimate ability is not as good as the Kalisz ultimate ability. She will try to get away from akali but akali can just keep triggering her ultimate and she can catch up to Ahri. Since akali is also a very mobile character and because Ahri has a lot of skill shots based skills, there is a high chance that she will miss her skills. On the other hand, akali can just point and click to Ahri and kill her.

Twisted Fate

twisted fate cannot trade well with akali his card throwing ability is very slow, and he is very squishy. He may be able to kill a colleague once or twice but he is more of the assassin type. He does better helping other lanes are using his teleporting ability. If he gets caught by akali, then he will most likely die. She has only one CC ability, but that is not reliable all the time because it is very easy to miss the card shuffle you choose the wrong part at the wrong time. And because of a Akali's ultimate,it is very easy for her to catch up to twisted fate, even though he uses his stun card.

Tips for Fighting against Akali during the Laning Phase

make sure that you fight akali before level VI. Akali is an immensely weak and without her ultimate she is almost useless apart from her throwing knife that she occasionally throws to harass, and also her shroud to turn invisible in escape possible ganks. If you can kill akali at least once or twice during the Laning phase, you will have enough gold to kill her and also to assist or other lanes. Akali is only mediocre actually the and in the minions, so you will have enough time help the other lanes and returned back to your Lane so your turret doesn't die.

When akali gets to be level 6, you have to make sure that you call. Unlike a lot of other champions, akali can snowball into an unstoppable monster. Akali is strong when she is fed and can reduce a squishy champions HP from 100% to 0% in an instance, and have enough energy to target other squishy champions. It is not uncommon for an akali to get Quadra and penta kills. There is a reason why they call akali a pub stomper.

When akali roams and enters another Lane, use that opportunity to push the minions to her turret. Because she is very mobile, you will not have enough time to assist the Lane that is in danger. By the time you get there, the action will be over and you might even die by a rampaging akali. It is better if you spend your time killing minions.

Thank you very much for reading this guy. I know that there are all mop of mistakes, so I apologize if this is very hard to read. If you have any questions, please don't be afraid to leave a comment. I will get back to you in 24 hours or less.

Thank you!

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