Tuesday, August 20, 2013

League of Legends How to Counter Tryndamere

I'm not quite sure why, but Tryndamere seems to be the type of champion that a lot of people fear despite his many weaknesses. He is if you're melee champion and he has an over power ultimate, but he is still a very counterable champion. He has many weaknesses and the best thing you can do is try to find them make use of them and exploit his weaknesses.

The first thing that you should do is choose a champion that Tryndamere does not do well against. Believe it or not, Tryndamere has a lot of counter picking champions.

The Champions that counter Tryndamere


if this little runts can be anymore annoying, he definitely can especially for Tryndamere champion player. The one thing that makes Teemo most annoying is his blind ability he can easily blind Tryndamere during the last moments of his undying ultimate, and totally make him miss for at least 2 seconds. Tryndamere alts are relatively short, so this miss can really hurt his overall damage output. In addition, Teemo can inflict poison damage on Tryndamere, causing him to perhaps die even after his ultimate is over.

Teemo can also easily get away from Tryndamere as long as he plays smart for example, a good Teemo player will never use his speed boost when Tryndamere's chicken scream is not on cooldown.


this champion is a huge problem for Tryndamere. In fact, many people believe that he is Tryndamere's rival and absolute counter pick. the reason is because Jax has a reliable CC ability and Jax also has an ability so that can Dodge every one of Tryndamere's hits. In addition, Jax has arguably more damage per second and Tryndamere. He is also much more reliable during team fights because and survive better than Tryndamere.


even though Malphite does not have as much damage output as Tryndamere, his CC is a lot more powerful than Tryndamere's chicken shout. in addition, Malphite has an attack speeds low ability that greatly decreases Tryndamere's attack speed item thus, his damage output. This attack speed slow combined with Randuin's Omen can make Tryndamere a really useless champion. The only worry that you should have is that you cannot do as much damage as a Tryndamere where. You will need to depend on your teammates in order to be successful.


Rollins is a champion that all attack damage carries melee or ranged fear. The reason is because rammus has a built in thornmail ability that reflects damage back to their attackers. This is especially problematic for Tryndamere  because Rammus has a 3 second taunt ability which forces him to attack Rammus. This damage greatly decreases Tryndamere's overall HP and can kill him, especially if he forgets to activate his ultimate ability.

these are the types of champions that you should not choose when fighting against Tryndamere. The reason can be many, but mainly it's because of their lack of hard CC.

Do not choose these champions against Tryndamere


while most champions fear Darius because of his true damage ultimate, and his Blitzcrank kind of pull, it does not necessarily help when fighting against Tryndamere. Darius's ultimate ability can be completely blocked by Tryndamere's ultimate ability. He can go in for the dive while Tryndamere has is low HP, but if Tryndamere activates his ultimate ability at the right moment, Darius would have wasted his ultimate. In addition, Darius's damage output in a 1v1 situation is not as much as Tryndamere's damage output in a 1v1 situation.


Zed works because he can totally eliminate a squishy champion from a fight. However, Zed cannot kill Tryndamere because of Tryndamere's ultimate ability. In addition, Zed does not have any hard CC that can stop Tryndamere. What this will do is put him in melee range with Tryndamere and might result in his death. Even if Zed tries to get away from Tryndamere,Tryndamere can use his slow ability and catch up to him.


the reason why Kha'Zix is weak against Tryndamere is almost the same reason as Zed. Kha'Zix does not have any hard CCand if Tryndamere tries to catch up to him he may be successful. His only saving grace is his large jumping ability that he can go through walls, but even Tryndamere can catch up to them with his spinning ability.


Kassadin is another assassin ( do you see the pattern?) that is weak against Tryndamere. In fact, almost all assassin type mages are weak against Tryndamere if they do not have any hard CC. In Kassadin's case, the reason why he is weak is because CC that he does have does not work against Tryndamere. His silence does not affect Tryndamere's ultimate, and is slow ability does very little against Tryndamere. if a Kassadin wants to fight Tryndamere and if they both have the same items, Tryndamere will most likely come out winning.

Tips for fighting against Tryndamere

Try to surprise him. The reason why Tryndamere is very annoying and the reason why he snowballs into a monster is because he has a lot of time to activate his ultimate. If you want to defeat Tryndamere, then you need to come out of the brush with all your team and kill him as fast as possible. Thankfully, Tryndamere is not the type of champion that has a lot of HP and defense. It should be very easy for your team instagib him from 100% HP to 0% HP.

Always take advantage of Tryndamere before level 6. Tryndamere is the type of champion that can be easily harassed during the Laning phase. Before level 6, Tryndamere will have problems farming. If you're champion that you choose has a ranged harassing ability, then it will be very easy for you to drive Tryndamere out of the sling. As long as you champion is not squishy, or an attack damage carry, like Ashe or Ezreal, then you should do fine against Tryndamere. No mages either that do not have hard CC.

always alert your teammates when Tryndamere is missing. Please wards all over the map especially in the brushes of your Lane if you are top Lane to keep him from snowballing and killing your teammates. A snowballing Tryndamere is not fun to deal with and if you let Tryndamere grow and get gold and get his items, it will be near impossible to defeat him. Tryndamere is a pubstomper - remember that.

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