Sunday, August 18, 2013

League of Legends - How to Counter Singed Top Lane

Singed is one of the most hardest champions to counter. The reason is because he has a high amount of HP and he is also a very mobile character. His poison is also very problematic when it comes to trying to countering Singed. As you are trying to chase after him, the poison takes can lower your HP by a significant amoun. Even if you do happen to kill him, chasing him is a terrible decision because the poison trails he leaves behind can kill you.

The first thing you should do is choose good counters against Singed when he is at top Lane. The below four champions are the best counters when fighting against singed.

The Top 4 Best Singed Counters for Top Lane


Teemo is one of the best counters against Singed. because Teemo is a ranged champion, it is very easy for him to harass Singed. He has his own set of poisonous abilities. If Singed happens to chase after Teemo, it is very easy for him to use his speed boost to run away from Singed. However, if you do use Teemo as a champion you have to be very careful about the glue that he throws on the floor. The glue can severely reduce your speed and the simple fling from Singed's skill is enough to decrease a large amount of Teemo's HP.


Jayce is an interesting character. he is both melee and ranged and is pretty strong for both roles. The reason why Jayce is strong against Singed is because his ball of light is a great skill to use. If Singed tries to farm, Jayce can just throw his skill to Singed dealing a great amount of damage. This is an effective harass.

His melee range is also fantastic. if Singed tries to fling Jayce back, Jayce could just swing his hammer at him to knock him back.


Elise is also a great pick and Singed. The reason is because Elise has some good CC. In addition, if Elise needed to go away or run away from the fight because of her low HP she can easily use her spider skill to rise which would also reduce some damage from the poisonous trail that Singed produces.

Elise can also effectively trade against Singed. Her damage output combined with her passive skill more often than not beats Singed's poison trail and overall damage output. Ganking Elise is also very difficult.


Vladimir is one of the most annoying champions the fight against when you're playing as Singed. The reason is because Vladimir can easily dive into his pool of blood with Singed tries to engage him. He also has  a good amount of sustain since he does not use MP and he has a HP healing skill.

Below are the worst champions to use against Singed. If you use the below for champions, you can guarantee that you will lose your match.

The Top 4 Worst Picks to use Against Singed Top Lane


Jax is a horrible pick against Singed because he is melee and very slow. If you use Jax against singed, then you will be harassed throughout the Laning phase (or at least find difficulty in farming). Chasing singed is also a bother because he is much faster than you, and his poison trail can really put a dent in your HP. Your stun is also highly unreliable because it puts you in a dangerous position, and Singed can easily flick you away so that you don't stun him. Jax is also horrible at Laning and it is very easy for a Jax champion to lose his turret during the first part of the match.


Zed is a very problematic champion because not only is he melee ranged and has no CC whatsoever, but he is also very squishy. If a Zed tries to engage with singed, he will not be able to trade with singed. Singed has a very high amount of HP and defense.


Let me just say that melee carry champions are just terrible and barely have a role in the current meta (at the time of this post, at least). Fiora is especially so. She has no CC and her damage, as good as it is, does not justify chasing after Singed. In most cases, her trades with Singed will always end up in a mathematical loss because Singed's poison is a very good counter to ward off any Fiora harasses.


The reason why Irelia is a bad pick against Singed is because she is melee range and she also has a relatively weak early game. She's the type of champion that needs to farm in order to win, and frankly her farming abilities stink if there's a poisonous cloud constantly looming over the enemy minions.

Engaging with Singed can also be a problem due to Singed's high HP and defense. Irelia is great at targeting squishy champions and getting rid of their damage output before they do any real damage during team fights. However, if you are an Irelia player, it is very stupid to target Singed during a team fight when there are much more dangerous targets to go after. During the laning phase, the same rules apply and Irelia just doesn't beat Singed.

Tips when Fighting against Singed Top Lane

Adjust your visual settings so that Singed's poison trail is viewable.

You won't believe the amount of kills a Singed player can get simply because the enemy team is being wreckless and takes a fistful of poison gas in the face, leading to double, triple and even Quadra kills. Sometimes even penta kills, although the team would have to be complete idiots to let that happen.

If you adjust your visual settings so the purple color is easier to see, it's very easy to dodge around his poisonous trail to avoid losing HP and getting killed.

Take advantage of Top Lane ganks ASAP

Get your jungler to get his butt up to top lane so you can make Singed fall behind. Singed is the type of champion that snowballs into a monster if let to farm. If you ignore Singed, he's going to single-handedly carry the enemy team once end-game comes. Your best bet is to farm Singed and end the game early before he becomes a jogging, flinging wall of HP and purple gas.

Never. Ever. EVER Chase Singed

Singed is all about mind games. He baits the enemy team with his 20% or less HP, and combined with his speed and poison trail, he can easily avoid attacks from the enemy team while doing an immense amount of damage in exchange. If Singed gets away, let him get away. Don't chase him any further or else you're just going to waste your time and perhaps even die.

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