Monday, August 19, 2013

Is Ashe a good ADC? League of Legends

I remember during season one of the league of legends, ashe used to be the most overpowered carry in the whole team. Unfortunately, now that the new season is here, ashe has somewhat been a very bad pick as in attack damage carry. The reason for this is many, however she is still a solid pick it in the right team composition. Her skills are all carried helpful for a team: she has a slow, a stun, and the initiator, a reveal, and a passive gold boost. With all these things in mind, why do people still think that ashe is a bad attack damage carry?

Her attack damage output

What really makes action a bad attack Kerry, among other things, is her terrible attack damage throughout the game. She has a solid attack speed growth throughout her matches, however, but this still does not make up for her lack of damage. Champions like Graves and Azriel have good attacks speed boost and damage. Ashe on the other hand does not have any damage boosts or attack, so if she falls behind, she will not do a lot of damage. She is very item dependent.

Her lack of defense

Asked is the type of champion that is the typical attack damage carry model. She has a very long range, one of the longest in the game in fact, but she has no escapes whatsoever. If a melee character or a champion of staffing comes after her, hash cannot retaliate except for using her slow abilities. The slow abilities force her to slow down every time she uses in skill, but every time she slows down, the enemy can catch up to her. If she gets caught in a position where she cannot run fast enough, since she has relatively slow movement speed, she will most often die. On the other hand, champions like gradings and Azriel and tristana all have some sort of escape ability. Ashe cannot compare with them because she cannot escape.

her gold "boost" isn't really good

Even though the goal boost is more of a complementary passive, it's still needs a bit of work. It is actually relatively outdated compared to other champions abilities which are more active and quote life. Her hop shopability however it's pretty helpful for avoiding hairy situations and to avoid Jungler Gank's. But this ability is not always available so it cannot be relied on when you are trying to be more aggressive and to advance the Lane. Again, if action gets caught then she will probably die because she has no scalability. Even if she sees the enemy using hotshots, if it is too late, it is too late and she will die.

her ultimate is relatively hard to land from long distances

Even though there have been pro-moments from people landing – arrow across the map, in competitive situations, this tactic is very unreliable and unwise. The thing about hash, is that even though her ultimate ability is a pretty good initiator, it is very for a competent opponent to simply sidestep and Dodge the skill.. The only surefire way and Ashe can land her ultimate ability is if she shoots at point blank range. However, her ultimate is built so that it is less rewarding at closer distances. A stun up 0.5 seconds is pretty terrible for an attack damage Kerry champion with no escape ability. Plus, her damage from her ultimate ability derives from her ability power, not her attack power. This makes her ultimate ability a week damage initiator. Other champions like a move had better initiating ability and survive attacks.

The trend: it seems like Ashe is being played more like a support character

because of the ashes supports like ability, she seems to fit more has an offensive supports the ban and attack damage Kerry. Think about it: she has a reveal, a passive gold boost to help with her gold regeneration when her attack damage carry is not in the linked farm,  she has a good initiator much likesona ultimate ability and it can be fired from across the map save other allies, she has a slow to help with catching uptwo enemies and also a Pauli skill to affect more than one enemy with her slow ability, which is a very fantastic offensive CC skill.

As for competitive gameplay, ashe is greatly outshine by other attack damage carries when put into an attack damage carry role. However, if she is played as a support character, she can do much better for her team. The gold farming is better served if it is giving to another champion on her team that can do much more reliable, high, and scalable damage.

I am not saying that Ash is a terrible champion, but she is very outdated. There are much better champions that fulfill her role so it is best if she is played in a more updated manner.

Do you have any questions? Please don't be afraid to post below and I will answer any of your questions.

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