Saturday, April 19, 2014

League of Legends - 10 Tips for Getting out of Elo Hell

Getting out of Elo Hell can be a lot of trouble, especially if you're pretty new at the game and already doomed your account. But Elo Hell isn't permanent! In fact, I'd argue that it doesn't even exist.

The proof? Explain paying for higher Elo.

If Elo Hell existed, that would mean people couldn't raise people out of higher elo and into Plat and diamond, right? Obviously there's some great amount of user skill required.

Below are 10 tips to help you get out of Elo Hell in League of Legends.

1. Always Duo Queue with a Partner

I'm not denying that sometimes you get those idiot players that really throw your game, so the best thing you can do to counter that is to duo queue with a partner who has great skills.

2. Practice last hitting and farming

Probably one of the biggest newbie mistakes is inadequate last hitting and farming. Not being able to gather enough gold from minions, or constantly missing last-hitting minions (especially if you're an ADC) will put you more and more behind. The mistakes snowball very fast.

3. Take an Influential Role for your Matches

If you trust that your abilities are amazing, then take a more influential role for your matches, usually mid lane or jungle.

You could argue that all roles have their...err... role in winning the match, and that's true, but some roles are more influential than others. A mid lane that absolutely wrecks will be able to assist with top or bottom lane. Same with Jungler, who can go anywhere and everywhere to win.

4. Learn how to Counter Pick

This seems pretty obvious, but I can't tell you how many people are picking Caitlyn when there's a Sivir on the opposite team. Learn what champions are strong/weak against others, exactly why they're weak, and what you can do to exploit those weaknesses so you can win their lane. Counter Picking can make your game so much easier.

5. Finish your Rune Page before Starting Ranked Games

Even though runes don't have too much influence once mid game and late game comes around, they're what helps get the ball rolling early game. And as most would say, early game determines how mid game and late game will turn out. You can almost know who will win the game by the 13 minute mark.

Because of this, you want to finish your Rune Page. Be patient and farm some IP by playing normal matches. You don't want to mess up your Ranked scores because you're at a disadvantage.

6. Stop Raging and Blaming

Believe it or not, spewing insults at your teammates does not make them perform better! Just think about it: if you had someone pointing out all your flaws while you're playing, does that make you play better? Does that make you want to play better? I'm guess no.

So don't rage at your teammates. Just take a deep breath and look at your options. Work with them, not against them.

7, Know your Monster Timers

People underestimate the power of knowledge. Knowing more than your opponent puts you at a major advantage. This goes especially for monster timers.

I recommend looking for a Monster Timer Guide so you can know exactly when monsters, especially Baron and Dragon spawn and respawn. Time is sensitive, and a 300+ universal gold advantage is HUGE. Same with buffs.

8. Know how Jungle Works

There are so many people who are unfamiliar with how jungle works in League of Legends. No, you don't have to be a main jungler role, or even play jungle to know how it works, but I recommend playing the Jungle role at least 10 times in normal matches to know what goes through a Jungler's mind.

If you know when a Jungler will attack, or when a Jungler will wait to attack, it'll help. Same with defending - getting that "feeling" that the enemy jungler will come to your lane and attack you comes only from experience.

9. Get on Skype/Vent/ or some other chat system

Working together with your team by having Skype is such a good advantage. For one, it keeps you from having to type what you're thinking, and in team fights where victory is decided within mere seconds, being vocal is huge.

It also keeps people from raging at each other. You get so many anonymous dudes cussing up a storm in text-based chat, but when it comes to vocal chatting? Hardly anyone rages.

10. Get some Map Awareness

Map awareness is so important for winning, both for offense and defense. Knowing that the enemy mid lane died only 20 seconds ago will allow you to be more aggressive in your lane. Or, if you haven't seen the enemy jungler in a while, you might be put on red alert so that you don't get pounced and killed.


That's my 10 tips! I hope you guys found this helpful, and if you're stuck in Elo Hell, just keep going and you'll get out of there in no time :)

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