Wednesday, August 21, 2013

S4 League How to Get AP

If you are here wanting to get Alaplaya points (AP), then I have some great news for you! My name is Aarks and I have been playing S4 League since late 2011. I have always wanted to get AP but I didn't have a debit/credit card. Now that I'm older and I do have a debit card, I find that I don't want to spend any money on video games!

But now I'm getting AP for free

This method is absolutely legal, doesn't require your credit or debit number, and it doesn't require you to download anything. All you need is a valid email and you have to be over the age of 13 and you could get started right away!

Does this method really work?

Yep! And I have the proof as well if you doubt me ;). Below are my Ultimate Game Card codes that I have received. I'm blocking the code for obvious reasons, but here ya go:

All right, I'm convinced! How do I get free AP for S4 League?

The best way to get AP for S4 League is by joining a cool website called Points2Shop. Points2shop is a Get-Paid-To Website that pays you for watching videos, listening to songs, filling out offers, completing simple tasks, and completing surveys. You can easily earn points to get thousands of other neat items like Laptops, gaming consoles, gift cards, shoes, and many others

However, for the purpose of this guide, we're going to be focusing on the main prize for S4 League:

$10, $20, and $25 Ultimate Game Card at absolutely no cost to you.

To join Points2shop, simply click on the image below and you'll be brought to a registration page. Don't worry - this company is legit and they're not going to ask you anything too personal. Like I said before, just an email and other minor information. 

If for whatever reason the below image is not showing, just CLICK HERE TO JOIN.

Once you register, just follow the below steps to get your free AP (via $10-25 Ultimate Game Card)

  1. Make sure you click on the confirmation link in your email. It's very important that you do or else you won't be able to proceed with Points2Shop!
  2. Once you confirm your email, go to Points2Shop and click on "EARN POINTS" at the top.
  3. Get at least 1000 points (for the $10). This shouldn't take you more than a few hours of work at the most.
  4. Click on "SPEND POINTS" and type in "Ultimate Game Card $10", and order the $10 Ultimate Game Card.
  5. You should receive the code in your Points2shop inbox within 2 days. As you become Gold rank and higher, the Ultimate Game Card code will be in your inbox instantly.
And that's it! It doesn't take much to get free AP. With Points2Shop I was able to make over $295.60, and you can do the same thing!

So if you're interested, join Points2Shop now and get your free AP. 

S4 League How to Get S Card

S card is probably the hardest card to get in League of Legends. Out of my past 100 games, for example, I only got 1 S card and countless other 4, L, E, A, G, U, E, S4, and Fumbi Cards.

So exactly how do you get an S card from S4 League?

The best answer: there is no legitimate way to influence what card you get.

Unfortunately, there is no way you can choose the type of card you get every round. Heck, there's not even a guarantee if you'll get a card every round. The system is set up so that the cards are given to you randomly. Obviously some cards are set to have higher chances than others, but the S card still the hardest card to achieve.

Well then, how do I become a pro at S4 League?

Other than discovering your own weapon set, practicing on basic skills like fade stepping and flash stepping, you can buy AP items. 

But doesn't it costs money to get AP Items?!

Why, yes it does. However, there is a way for you to get free AP account fills worth $10-20. All you need is a free Ultimate Game Card. You can join the website below and get $10, $20, and $25 Ultimate Game cards at absolutely no cost to you. You don't have to download anything, and you don't have to give your credit card/debit card information. I've used this to earn over $295.80, and you can do it too.

Click on the banner below and sign up! You won't regret it.

Can You Use an Ultimate Game Card for S4 League?

If you're looking for a way to gain AP for S4 League, then you'll be happy to know that it is indeed possible to get an Ultimate Game Card and use it for your alaplaya game. Enjoy!

Want to get a free $10 Ultimate Game Card? Register here and you can get one for free.

Steps for Getting a Free $10 Ultimate Game Card for S4 League

Step 1: Register for Points2Shop

If you want a free Ultimate Game Card, then sign up for Points2Shop by joining under my fan link (CLICK HERE). Points2Shop is a free website where you can earn points and exchange it for thousands and thousands of luxurious items, including laptops, consoles, and other gadgets. This includes a free $10 Ultimate Game Card.

Step 2: Confirm your Email

It is very important that you confirm your email or else you will not be able to proceed with earning your $10 Ultimate Game Card. This is very important - do not skip this step!

Step 3: Earn 1000 Points

You are going to need to get 1000 points to get a $10 Ultimate Game Card code. Don't worry - it won't take you long. Just go to the top of the page and click on EARN POINTS. Once you do that, just do as much stuff as you can and you'll get 1000 points in no time.

Step 4: Order it and then you're done!

Once you get 1000 points you can now order your Ultimate Game Card. Go to the top of the page and click on SPEND POINTS. Enter "Ultimate Game Card" in the search box and then click on the $10 picture (usually first result). After that, you will get your Ultimate Game Card in a couple of days.


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

League of Legends How to Counter Tryndamere

I'm not quite sure why, but Tryndamere seems to be the type of champion that a lot of people fear despite his many weaknesses. He is if you're melee champion and he has an over power ultimate, but he is still a very counterable champion. He has many weaknesses and the best thing you can do is try to find them make use of them and exploit his weaknesses.

The first thing that you should do is choose a champion that Tryndamere does not do well against. Believe it or not, Tryndamere has a lot of counter picking champions.

The Champions that counter Tryndamere


if this little runts can be anymore annoying, he definitely can especially for Tryndamere champion player. The one thing that makes Teemo most annoying is his blind ability he can easily blind Tryndamere during the last moments of his undying ultimate, and totally make him miss for at least 2 seconds. Tryndamere alts are relatively short, so this miss can really hurt his overall damage output. In addition, Teemo can inflict poison damage on Tryndamere, causing him to perhaps die even after his ultimate is over.

Teemo can also easily get away from Tryndamere as long as he plays smart for example, a good Teemo player will never use his speed boost when Tryndamere's chicken scream is not on cooldown.


this champion is a huge problem for Tryndamere. In fact, many people believe that he is Tryndamere's rival and absolute counter pick. the reason is because Jax has a reliable CC ability and Jax also has an ability so that can Dodge every one of Tryndamere's hits. In addition, Jax has arguably more damage per second and Tryndamere. He is also much more reliable during team fights because and survive better than Tryndamere.


even though Malphite does not have as much damage output as Tryndamere, his CC is a lot more powerful than Tryndamere's chicken shout. in addition, Malphite has an attack speeds low ability that greatly decreases Tryndamere's attack speed item thus, his damage output. This attack speed slow combined with Randuin's Omen can make Tryndamere a really useless champion. The only worry that you should have is that you cannot do as much damage as a Tryndamere where. You will need to depend on your teammates in order to be successful.


Rollins is a champion that all attack damage carries melee or ranged fear. The reason is because rammus has a built in thornmail ability that reflects damage back to their attackers. This is especially problematic for Tryndamere  because Rammus has a 3 second taunt ability which forces him to attack Rammus. This damage greatly decreases Tryndamere's overall HP and can kill him, especially if he forgets to activate his ultimate ability.

these are the types of champions that you should not choose when fighting against Tryndamere. The reason can be many, but mainly it's because of their lack of hard CC.

Do not choose these champions against Tryndamere


while most champions fear Darius because of his true damage ultimate, and his Blitzcrank kind of pull, it does not necessarily help when fighting against Tryndamere. Darius's ultimate ability can be completely blocked by Tryndamere's ultimate ability. He can go in for the dive while Tryndamere has is low HP, but if Tryndamere activates his ultimate ability at the right moment, Darius would have wasted his ultimate. In addition, Darius's damage output in a 1v1 situation is not as much as Tryndamere's damage output in a 1v1 situation.


Zed works because he can totally eliminate a squishy champion from a fight. However, Zed cannot kill Tryndamere because of Tryndamere's ultimate ability. In addition, Zed does not have any hard CC that can stop Tryndamere. What this will do is put him in melee range with Tryndamere and might result in his death. Even if Zed tries to get away from Tryndamere,Tryndamere can use his slow ability and catch up to him.


the reason why Kha'Zix is weak against Tryndamere is almost the same reason as Zed. Kha'Zix does not have any hard CCand if Tryndamere tries to catch up to him he may be successful. His only saving grace is his large jumping ability that he can go through walls, but even Tryndamere can catch up to them with his spinning ability.


Kassadin is another assassin ( do you see the pattern?) that is weak against Tryndamere. In fact, almost all assassin type mages are weak against Tryndamere if they do not have any hard CC. In Kassadin's case, the reason why he is weak is because CC that he does have does not work against Tryndamere. His silence does not affect Tryndamere's ultimate, and is slow ability does very little against Tryndamere. if a Kassadin wants to fight Tryndamere and if they both have the same items, Tryndamere will most likely come out winning.

Tips for fighting against Tryndamere

Try to surprise him. The reason why Tryndamere is very annoying and the reason why he snowballs into a monster is because he has a lot of time to activate his ultimate. If you want to defeat Tryndamere, then you need to come out of the brush with all your team and kill him as fast as possible. Thankfully, Tryndamere is not the type of champion that has a lot of HP and defense. It should be very easy for your team instagib him from 100% HP to 0% HP.

Always take advantage of Tryndamere before level 6. Tryndamere is the type of champion that can be easily harassed during the Laning phase. Before level 6, Tryndamere will have problems farming. If you're champion that you choose has a ranged harassing ability, then it will be very easy for you to drive Tryndamere out of the sling. As long as you champion is not squishy, or an attack damage carry, like Ashe or Ezreal, then you should do fine against Tryndamere. No mages either that do not have hard CC.

always alert your teammates when Tryndamere is missing. Please wards all over the map especially in the brushes of your Lane if you are top Lane to keep him from snowballing and killing your teammates. A snowballing Tryndamere is not fun to deal with and if you let Tryndamere grow and get gold and get his items, it will be near impossible to defeat him. Tryndamere is a pubstomper - remember that.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Is Ashe a good ADC? League of Legends

I remember during season one of the league of legends, ashe used to be the most overpowered carry in the whole team. Unfortunately, now that the new season is here, ashe has somewhat been a very bad pick as in attack damage carry. The reason for this is many, however she is still a solid pick it in the right team composition. Her skills are all carried helpful for a team: she has a slow, a stun, and the initiator, a reveal, and a passive gold boost. With all these things in mind, why do people still think that ashe is a bad attack damage carry?

Her attack damage output

What really makes action a bad attack Kerry, among other things, is her terrible attack damage throughout the game. She has a solid attack speed growth throughout her matches, however, but this still does not make up for her lack of damage. Champions like Graves and Azriel have good attacks speed boost and damage. Ashe on the other hand does not have any damage boosts or attack, so if she falls behind, she will not do a lot of damage. She is very item dependent.

Her lack of defense

Asked is the type of champion that is the typical attack damage carry model. She has a very long range, one of the longest in the game in fact, but she has no escapes whatsoever. If a melee character or a champion of staffing comes after her, hash cannot retaliate except for using her slow abilities. The slow abilities force her to slow down every time she uses in skill, but every time she slows down, the enemy can catch up to her. If she gets caught in a position where she cannot run fast enough, since she has relatively slow movement speed, she will most often die. On the other hand, champions like gradings and Azriel and tristana all have some sort of escape ability. Ashe cannot compare with them because she cannot escape.

her gold "boost" isn't really good

Even though the goal boost is more of a complementary passive, it's still needs a bit of work. It is actually relatively outdated compared to other champions abilities which are more active and quote life. Her hop shopability however it's pretty helpful for avoiding hairy situations and to avoid Jungler Gank's. But this ability is not always available so it cannot be relied on when you are trying to be more aggressive and to advance the Lane. Again, if action gets caught then she will probably die because she has no scalability. Even if she sees the enemy using hotshots, if it is too late, it is too late and she will die.

her ultimate is relatively hard to land from long distances

Even though there have been pro-moments from people landing – arrow across the map, in competitive situations, this tactic is very unreliable and unwise. The thing about hash, is that even though her ultimate ability is a pretty good initiator, it is very for a competent opponent to simply sidestep and Dodge the skill.. The only surefire way and Ashe can land her ultimate ability is if she shoots at point blank range. However, her ultimate is built so that it is less rewarding at closer distances. A stun up 0.5 seconds is pretty terrible for an attack damage Kerry champion with no escape ability. Plus, her damage from her ultimate ability derives from her ability power, not her attack power. This makes her ultimate ability a week damage initiator. Other champions like a move had better initiating ability and survive attacks.

The trend: it seems like Ashe is being played more like a support character

because of the ashes supports like ability, she seems to fit more has an offensive supports the ban and attack damage Kerry. Think about it: she has a reveal, a passive gold boost to help with her gold regeneration when her attack damage carry is not in the linked farm,  she has a good initiator much likesona ultimate ability and it can be fired from across the map save other allies, she has a slow to help with catching uptwo enemies and also a Pauli skill to affect more than one enemy with her slow ability, which is a very fantastic offensive CC skill.

As for competitive gameplay, ashe is greatly outshine by other attack damage carries when put into an attack damage carry role. However, if she is played as a support character, she can do much better for her team. The gold farming is better served if it is giving to another champion on her team that can do much more reliable, high, and scalable damage.

I am not saying that Ash is a terrible champion, but she is very outdated. There are much better champions that fulfill her role so it is best if she is played in a more updated manner.

Do you have any questions? Please don't be afraid to post below and I will answer any of your questions.

League of Legends How to Counter Akali

(please note that when I was writing this post I had broken finger and I was using the Dragon speak software program. Unfortunately, the program is not yet used my voice so there may be a little... Or a lot of mistakes... But I do hope you enjoy the" experience".)

How to Counter Akali During the Laning Phase

if you want to counter akali the best thing you can do is choose a champion with sustain and great harass the ability to for level six. The reason why you want to do this is because akali is a champion that snowballs after level six. You must take advantage of her week early game to keep early game from snowballing. The best way to do this is choose a champion that works best against akali during the early game phase.

below are 3 championsthat akali is pretty weak against during the early game phase middle game phase and late game phase.

Lee Sin

even though lee sin doesn't really matter profile that I said above that type champion that the akali, he is great because is a you we reveal skill reveals akali when she is in her stealth cloud the reason why akali is so annoying sometimes, is because she appears in and out of herself clout which makes it hard for players to click her.

In addition, lee sin does not depend on MP but instead on energy. He is in some ways a little bit the same as akali but he can trade with her during the Laning phase. His damage output is also very strong, and he can effectively harass her using is missile ninja shooting projectile skill thing.


Garen it is a really good character fight with against akali. The reason is because his ball HP and defense makes him a formidable opponent against akali get the fantastic early game a good middle game. if for some reason you are finding yourself fighting against akali during Toppled and Ln., Garen is a pretty solid pick

If akali specified in her shadow, all you have to do is spin to win a you can kill that girl. Anything go home and say mama I killed akali it was easy as 1,2 spin to win.


renekton is a pretty good counter against akali. The reason is because renekton is a pretty high defense and HP champion. He also has a very reliable aoe skill which pretty much extends through akali's smoke bomb. Renekton's ultimates is also very intimidating for akali. If akali gets into range of renekton during his ultimate, then she will suffer a good amount of damage. Before level VI, renekton is also a decent pick due to his amount of reliable  CC and his double rush mobility.

The Worst Champions to pick when against Akali


even though a lot of people say that karthus in his ultimate ability is over power, he is a horrible pick when it comes to fighting against akali.  Not only is karthus one of the squishy just champions in all of league of legends, but a Kalisz superior mobility and her refreshing ultimate makes it hard for karthus to aim his q attack. Also, even though his wall is a pretty effective slow, for some reason akali can bypass this low when she uses her ultimate ability on karthus. There is also no way for karthus to attack akali, unless he guesses, when akali is in her invisible shroud.


Fizz is a horrible champions playing at the County the reason is because phase is horribly squishy and his dog's ability does not do much against akali's ultimate ability. He will use his audibility but since Kalli has about two more ultimate triggers, this will just pick on-again and most likely die. She also cannot trade effectively against akali, he needs to trade with her and harass her but akali can do the same and a little bit more.


Ahri is another batch happy to play against akali especially if she is playing in Lane. Even though she has ability to harass akali before level six, her ultimate ability is not as good as the Kalisz ultimate ability. She will try to get away from akali but akali can just keep triggering her ultimate and she can catch up to Ahri. Since akali is also a very mobile character and because Ahri has a lot of skill shots based skills, there is a high chance that she will miss her skills. On the other hand, akali can just point and click to Ahri and kill her.

Twisted Fate

twisted fate cannot trade well with akali his card throwing ability is very slow, and he is very squishy. He may be able to kill a colleague once or twice but he is more of the assassin type. He does better helping other lanes are using his teleporting ability. If he gets caught by akali, then he will most likely die. She has only one CC ability, but that is not reliable all the time because it is very easy to miss the card shuffle you choose the wrong part at the wrong time. And because of a Akali's ultimate,it is very easy for her to catch up to twisted fate, even though he uses his stun card.

Tips for Fighting against Akali during the Laning Phase

make sure that you fight akali before level VI. Akali is an immensely weak and without her ultimate she is almost useless apart from her throwing knife that she occasionally throws to harass, and also her shroud to turn invisible in escape possible ganks. If you can kill akali at least once or twice during the Laning phase, you will have enough gold to kill her and also to assist or other lanes. Akali is only mediocre actually the and in the minions, so you will have enough time help the other lanes and returned back to your Lane so your turret doesn't die.

When akali gets to be level 6, you have to make sure that you call. Unlike a lot of other champions, akali can snowball into an unstoppable monster. Akali is strong when she is fed and can reduce a squishy champions HP from 100% to 0% in an instance, and have enough energy to target other squishy champions. It is not uncommon for an akali to get Quadra and penta kills. There is a reason why they call akali a pub stomper.

When akali roams and enters another Lane, use that opportunity to push the minions to her turret. Because she is very mobile, you will not have enough time to assist the Lane that is in danger. By the time you get there, the action will be over and you might even die by a rampaging akali. It is better if you spend your time killing minions.

Thank you very much for reading this guy. I know that there are all mop of mistakes, so I apologize if this is very hard to read. If you have any questions, please don't be afraid to leave a comment. I will get back to you in 24 hours or less.

Thank you!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

League of Legends - How to Counter Singed Top Lane

Singed is one of the most hardest champions to counter. The reason is because he has a high amount of HP and he is also a very mobile character. His poison is also very problematic when it comes to trying to countering Singed. As you are trying to chase after him, the poison takes can lower your HP by a significant amoun. Even if you do happen to kill him, chasing him is a terrible decision because the poison trails he leaves behind can kill you.

The first thing you should do is choose good counters against Singed when he is at top Lane. The below four champions are the best counters when fighting against singed.

The Top 4 Best Singed Counters for Top Lane


Teemo is one of the best counters against Singed. because Teemo is a ranged champion, it is very easy for him to harass Singed. He has his own set of poisonous abilities. If Singed happens to chase after Teemo, it is very easy for him to use his speed boost to run away from Singed. However, if you do use Teemo as a champion you have to be very careful about the glue that he throws on the floor. The glue can severely reduce your speed and the simple fling from Singed's skill is enough to decrease a large amount of Teemo's HP.


Jayce is an interesting character. he is both melee and ranged and is pretty strong for both roles. The reason why Jayce is strong against Singed is because his ball of light is a great skill to use. If Singed tries to farm, Jayce can just throw his skill to Singed dealing a great amount of damage. This is an effective harass.

His melee range is also fantastic. if Singed tries to fling Jayce back, Jayce could just swing his hammer at him to knock him back.


Elise is also a great pick and Singed. The reason is because Elise has some good CC. In addition, if Elise needed to go away or run away from the fight because of her low HP she can easily use her spider skill to rise which would also reduce some damage from the poisonous trail that Singed produces.

Elise can also effectively trade against Singed. Her damage output combined with her passive skill more often than not beats Singed's poison trail and overall damage output. Ganking Elise is also very difficult.


Vladimir is one of the most annoying champions the fight against when you're playing as Singed. The reason is because Vladimir can easily dive into his pool of blood with Singed tries to engage him. He also has  a good amount of sustain since he does not use MP and he has a HP healing skill.

Below are the worst champions to use against Singed. If you use the below for champions, you can guarantee that you will lose your match.

The Top 4 Worst Picks to use Against Singed Top Lane


Jax is a horrible pick against Singed because he is melee and very slow. If you use Jax against singed, then you will be harassed throughout the Laning phase (or at least find difficulty in farming). Chasing singed is also a bother because he is much faster than you, and his poison trail can really put a dent in your HP. Your stun is also highly unreliable because it puts you in a dangerous position, and Singed can easily flick you away so that you don't stun him. Jax is also horrible at Laning and it is very easy for a Jax champion to lose his turret during the first part of the match.


Zed is a very problematic champion because not only is he melee ranged and has no CC whatsoever, but he is also very squishy. If a Zed tries to engage with singed, he will not be able to trade with singed. Singed has a very high amount of HP and defense.


Let me just say that melee carry champions are just terrible and barely have a role in the current meta (at the time of this post, at least). Fiora is especially so. She has no CC and her damage, as good as it is, does not justify chasing after Singed. In most cases, her trades with Singed will always end up in a mathematical loss because Singed's poison is a very good counter to ward off any Fiora harasses.


The reason why Irelia is a bad pick against Singed is because she is melee range and she also has a relatively weak early game. She's the type of champion that needs to farm in order to win, and frankly her farming abilities stink if there's a poisonous cloud constantly looming over the enemy minions.

Engaging with Singed can also be a problem due to Singed's high HP and defense. Irelia is great at targeting squishy champions and getting rid of their damage output before they do any real damage during team fights. However, if you are an Irelia player, it is very stupid to target Singed during a team fight when there are much more dangerous targets to go after. During the laning phase, the same rules apply and Irelia just doesn't beat Singed.

Tips when Fighting against Singed Top Lane

Adjust your visual settings so that Singed's poison trail is viewable.

You won't believe the amount of kills a Singed player can get simply because the enemy team is being wreckless and takes a fistful of poison gas in the face, leading to double, triple and even Quadra kills. Sometimes even penta kills, although the team would have to be complete idiots to let that happen.

If you adjust your visual settings so the purple color is easier to see, it's very easy to dodge around his poisonous trail to avoid losing HP and getting killed.

Take advantage of Top Lane ganks ASAP

Get your jungler to get his butt up to top lane so you can make Singed fall behind. Singed is the type of champion that snowballs into a monster if let to farm. If you ignore Singed, he's going to single-handedly carry the enemy team once end-game comes. Your best bet is to farm Singed and end the game early before he becomes a jogging, flinging wall of HP and purple gas.

Never. Ever. EVER Chase Singed

Singed is all about mind games. He baits the enemy team with his 20% or less HP, and combined with his speed and poison trail, he can easily avoid attacks from the enemy team while doing an immense amount of damage in exchange. If Singed gets away, let him get away. Don't chase him any further or else you're just going to waste your time and perhaps even die.

Enjoyed this article? Leave a comment or post any tips below!

League of Legends How To Counter Teemo Top Lane

Teemo is one of the most annoying champions in the game, but he's also a relatively easy champion to counter. The reason why most players have a problem with his play style is because he's a lane bully. You can try trading with him but he can kill you even after he dies, especially during the early game phase with his poison ticks.

So how the heck do you counter him?

Start the Game Right: Choose a Champion that Counters Teemo

Let me start by saying that if you choose Nasus, you're going to have a bad time.

Now that we have that clear, below are the types of champions that can beat Teemo during the laning phase:


You think Teemo is annoying? The only person that can possibly beat Teemo's harass is Yorick. If you choose Yorick you can just summon auto-attacking ghosts on Teemo and laugh as he hobbles away.


Pantheon's passive plus his reliable CC and his DPS makes him a nightmare for Teemo players. Pantheons eat Teemo for dinner! All you have to do is be careful about the first couple of levels until you get your stun and your spear flurry skill. Cooperate with your jungler since your stun can lock-in guaranteed kills.


The overpowered missile-speed ball of "OMFG" makes Jayce a good opponent against Teemo players. He can also go either melee or ranged mode so it's easy for him to be strong from all distances. His CC is also valuable, and since he has strong skills, he doesn't necessarily have to worry about Teemo's blind.


Rumble can get harassed a bit by Teemo if you're not careful, so make sure you position yourself correctly so that you can trade blows with an aggressive Teemo. Your cone of fire reaches far enough to singe the little bastard if he gets too close for comfort. You could also shoot your electric missiles to increase your damage output. If you aim everything correctly you can always win trades with Teemo, and you can use your shield to laugh as the poison doesn't kill you.

The WRONG Champions to Choose Against Teemo

Below are the worst champions to pick against Teemo. Don't choose these champions!


Not only is Tryndamere a melee character with a horrible early game phase (incoming harass!), but his ultimate, which would normally frustrate the majority of players, is absolutely garbage against Teemo. Teemo's blind dart lasts an absurdly long time, and that gives Teemo enough time to dodge the majority of your hits, use his speed buff to get away from you, and then continue his onslaught from a distance.

Even if you do manage to kill him, his poison will kill you after your ultimate runs out. Yikes!


I've seen Garens kill Teemo players before, but if a Garen player and a Teemo player had the same skill level, then Teemo will always win.

Why? Because Garen is a traditional melee-range champion. He is a deadly player during the beginning phase and his spin-to-win is annoying, but Teemo can easily keep his distance and harass Garen's massive HP and then dive in for the kill. Garen also has not reliable CC whatsoever except for a silence that can be avoided due to Teemo's speed boost.


Darius's weaknesses are a lot like Garen's, except he's in a worse spot against Teemo. Unlike Garen, Darius is slow as hell and does not have any speed boosts. This allows Teemo to dance around him as he tries to catch up. Teemo's speed boost also allows him to get away quickly if Darius's pull makes it in.

Did I mention he's a melee-ranged champion?


Unlike a lot of other traditional melee-ranged characters that are hack and slash, Singed's gameplay is a little different. In some ways, this different gameplay makes him one of the worst picks to play against a good Teemo player.

The reason is because he needs to put himself in dangerous positions in order to do anything. In order to kill a minion wave, he needs to drag his poison clouds over all the minions. While he's doing this, Teemo can easily chop down his HP with his poisonous darts. This is especially deadly during the early game phase when Singed doesn't have much defensive items.

Beating Teemo during the Laning Phase

Whatever champion you choose, it all comes down to being the smarter player. If you can outwit Teemo and predict his actions, you can beat a good Teemo no matter what champion you are using. Of course, it's better if you choose the champions that work best against Teemo instead of the harder-to-use melee champions.

Below are some tips to help you come out on top as the winner when fighting against Teemo.

Use a Pink Ward in the River Bush

Usually Teemo mushrooms are placed all over the bush by the river. This allows to Teemo to harass you easily and safely while having enough time to run away if your Jungler gets caught by a mushroom. A Pink ward is a small investment but it can save you a lot of time and frustration when dealing with an enemy Teemo.

If for some reason your enemy Teemo also buys a Pink ward to counter-pink your ward, use that opportunity to have your Jungler gank while he's in the river. You approach Teemo from the top while your Jungler approaches Teemo from the bottom. Can you say insta-dead?

Never fight Teemo with Less than 25% HP

For some reason people always forget that even if you do kill Teemo, the poison ticks lasts for quite a long time and they can kill you! If you are finding that you are nearing 25% HP, use that time to go back. It's best to lose a few minion gold and port back to be safe than to die to Teemo, lose even more minion gold, and perhaps a Tower in the process.

Have your Jungler prioritize Top Lane

Most Teemo players will not buy green wards because they are working for Level 6 to have their free mushroom wards. Use that opportunity to continuously gank Teemo and get him farther and farther behind. Teemo is horribly squishy and it doesn't take more than a little coordination to kill Teemo. In addition, he can get very far behind because he doesn't have good farming abilities apart from his mushroom. And, if he does use his mushroom to clear minions, that means there's less vision in the river, and more chances to gank him so he gets even more behind.

Don't listen to his laugh

There's a reason why Teemo is unofficially the most annoying champion in the game. His high voice and laugh makes him one of the most irritating runts in any game I have ever played. If you're feeling a little intimidated by Teemo and if the enemy player is taunting you with it, just take a deep breath and ignore it. You'd be surprised how many people fall for the provocations and die.

If you follow these tips and choose the right champions, you can mop the floor with Teemo. Good luck and happy Leaguing!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Do you have to pay for playing League of Legends?

To answer simply, no. You do not have to pay to play League of Legends. In fact, to reach your maximum potential in this game you don't need to pay a single cent! Everything that is purchased on League of Legends with Riot Points (Riot Points are the currency when you buy with your real money) is purely cosmetic.

By cosmetic, I mean very superficial things like champion skins and ward skins. You do NOT have to buy Riot Points or spend any of your money to be good at this game.

However, there are boosts, such as IP and XP boosts so you can level up faster and get your favorite champions faster, but at the later levels it doesn't really matter.

You could also buy additional Rune pages with RP and different runes like Seals, Glyphs, Marks, and Quintessences. However, all these items can be purchased with IP, so RP is nothing really except a shortcut for lazy gamers :)

Have fun playing League of Legends!

SOLUTION: S4 League Renderer Wipe Failed


You are playing S4 League, then after about 1-2 minutes (sometimes even less), you get this unfortunate error:

"Renderer Wipe Failed"

If this you, then read on! I may have a solution for you.


The reason why you're getting this error is because there is something wrong with the graphics part of S4 League. The most likely reason is that you need to update your DirectX files and your video drivers. You could do that by going to the Microsoft website and to your video driver website (ATI Radeon, etc.)

Still doesn't work? Uninstall the S4 League client and reinstall it again.

If after doing that the S4 League game still doesn't work, then you probably do not have a good enough graphics card and will need to buy a new one to replace it on your PC, OR you will need to buy a whole new computer. Sorry!

S4 League Social Commands - Social Actions

Below is a list of S4 League social commands that you can do either by pressing E + A number OR by typing it in the chat. You can also modify the keys you press to do the certain emote by going to the S4 League client, logging in, and hitting the "Setup" button at the top.

NOTE: Some of these commands, when typed into chat, are case sensitive. So make sure you follow the case correctly when listed or else it will not work.

S4 League Social Commands

  • /Win ("Yeah! All Right!")
  • /frustration ("Oh no!" *cry*)
  • /provocation ("Come on!")
  • /hi ("Hi!")
  • /shy (*shy laughter*)
  • /cry ("Oh no!" *cry*)
  • /haha (*laugh*)
  • /greeting ("Nice to meet you!")
  • /say ("Uh, excuse me?")
  • /yell ("BOOM!")
  • /anger ("Argh!")
  • /cheer ("Woohoo! Yeah!")
  • /rock, /paper, /scissors ("Rock, Paper, Scissors!")
  • /wave (*does the wave with arms*)
  • /dance (*does Wonder Girl's "Tell me" dance*)
  • /high ("Hey!")
  • /hug ("Good job!")
  • /hit ("Boom!")
  • /recomm ("Well done!")
  • /humiliate ("What the hell!")
  • /gasp (*tired gasping*)
  • /saebae (*does traditional Korean greeting*)
  • /Dance 2 (*does Wonder Girl's "Nobody" dance*)
  • /Warming up (*does warm up*)
  • /Clan mark (*shows off your clan mark*)

S4 League Speed Hack 2013 - Download Speed Hack!

This is an S4 League Speed Hack for August 2013. This hack is unique from all the other hackers on the internet because it's very hard for the S4 League developers to cure. However, any kind of hack has a fix, so I'm only giving away this hack to the first 1000 downloads (as usual for my hacks), so if you're interested I recommend reading the guide and clicking on the link right away.

Why so little people? Why can't you accept more?

Because the more people use it, the more problems the game will have, and the higher on the priority list my speed hack will be. If I keep the hacks available to only 1000 people, that means only a maximum of 1000 people will have it and the developers will not have too much of a problem. That also means I will be able to use it for longer while helping out the population :)

How to use the S4 League Speed Hack

Step 1: Click on the link below and download the hack.

Step 2: Extract the .zip file that you will download to your Desktop

Step 3: Open up the S4 League patcher and load the game.

Step 4: Log in to your account and go to the server selection list where you can choose your country. DO NOT PICK A SERVER YET.

Step 5: Alt+Tab to your Desktop and open "SpeedHack2013.exe"

Step 6: Click on the server that you want to join and join a room.

Step 7: When your match starts, the speed hack will open on the top right of the screen. Click on "TURN ON" and you will be using the speed jack.

Step 8: When the match is almost over, press the "TURN OFF" button right away or the game will crash.

The best of luck to you guys! If you got any questions, post below.

(you must wait through the advertisement screen before the hack download will appear)


NOTE: If you find yourself loading the search engine, that means you were too late to get this hack! Sorry! Keep this blog updated so you can get the first few positions for this hack.

Note: The above link is actually just a redirect to Google. Jokes on you, bro! ;)